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Need Help?
We Are Here For You
Our 59-bed Emergency Shelter for men provides safe lodging, meals, clothing, critically needed counseling, education, advocacy and referrals to agencies that meet the needs of the clientele. The overall goal is to help homeless people improve their quality of life, become self-sufficient and get reestablished in the community.
Ours is the only emergency shelter for men of its kind from Syracuse to Schenectady, New York. Call: 315.735.1645 x 2154.
The Addiction Stabilization Center (ASC) is a 25 bed faith based Residential Stabilization Service regulated by the New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services for adult men and women with Substance Use Disorder.
What is Stabilization?
“Stabilization” provides a safe environment in which a person may minimize withdrawal symptoms, cravings, psychiatric and medical symptoms before referral or transition to another program or element of structured treatment/recovery. Stabilization requires the supervision of a physician and clinical monitoring.
Our approach is a person-centered treatment model. Our clinical staff work with each person to develop an individualized treatment plan to stabilize and plan for recovery. Call: 315.735.1645 x 2161.
Free, nutritious meals are available during breakfast, lunch and dinner to anyone from the community who is hungry at 201 Rutger Street. We also provide a 15 meal food box program at 1013 West Street on Monday, Thursday, Friday 9am-11:30am & 1pm-3pm.
Our Representative Payee Program provides bill paying and case management services to people in the community who are unable to manage their own financial affairs. Staff assists clients in developing a budget for payment of rent, utilities, living supplies, food and other necessities.
Clients are primarily referred from Social Services, Veterans Administration and Rescue Mission programs. The program is also ready to assist people seeking assistance on their own. Call: 315.735.1645 x 2224.
Simple Guidelines
How To Help a Homeless Person
What do you do when you see someone holding up a sign, “Will Work for Food?” Do you roll down your window and give them money? Do you pretend you didn’t see them?
Nobody likes to be confronted by the homeless — their needs often seem too overwhelming — but we all want to treat them fairly and justly.
Here Are Some Simple Guidelines To Equip You To Truly Help The Homeless People You Meet:
Never Give Cash to a Homeless Person
Too often, well-intended gifts are converted to drugs or alcohol, even when the “hard luck” stories they tell are true. If the person is hungry, buy them a sandwich and a beverage.
Talk to the Person with Respect
Taking time to talk to a homeless person in a friendly, respectful manner can give them a wonderful sense of civility and dignity. And besides being just neighborly, it gives the person a weapon to fight the isolation, depression and paranoia that many homeless people face.
Homeless People Are Not All the Same
People who are homeless are as diverse as the colors of a rainbow. The person you meet may be a battered woman, an addicted veteran, someone who is lacking job skills — the list goes on. No two are the same, and neither are their problems.
Share God’s Love Whenever You Can
If Jesus were walking the earth today, He would certainly spend time with the homeless. He would speak with them, heal them, and help them. Today, Jesus chooses to work through those who believe and follow Him.
Pray for the Homeless
Exposure to the elements, dirt, occasional violence, and lack of purpose all drain years from a person’s life. God can use your prayers and the brutality and the futility of life on the street to bring many of the broken to Himself.
Take Precautions for Your Own Safety
Some living on the streets are criminals and fugitives running from the law. Always be prudent while talking with street people. Stay in areas where other people can see you. Don’t take unnecessary chances.
Encourage the Homeless to Get Help
Refer them to the Rescue Mission of Utica. Here, a homeless person will be treated with respect and dignity. Their immediate needs of food, clothing and shelter will be met through our Emergency Shelter. Caring staff will help them improve their quality of life, become self-sufficient and get reestablished in the community.
Support the Rescue Mission of Utica
The generous and faithful support of caring individuals, churches, businesses, and civic groups makes our ministry of reaching out and changing lives possible. Donate, or learn about volunteering and other ways to help.