William’s Story

From a close-knit family, William suffered trauma at the age of 11, when his dad and brother died within a year of each other. For years, William struggled to find a role model. “I started looking elsewhere for mentorship, and most of the people that I drifted to were involved in street life, criminal activity and addictions.” Soon, William immersed himself in similar, destructive behavior. “It escalated to a life of jails, compromising everything I learned, all my values, and total spiritual death.” After 35 years of drug use, rehab attempts, homelessness and everything in between, William finally hit an all-time low when his mom died in 2013. “I ran to the Addictions Crisis Center, which is here on the Mission campus.” While here, one of our nurses remembered him from a time he came before, and said something he wouldn’t forget: “It’s alright, buddy. We love you. We miss you. We were worried about you.” However, not long after, William relapsed and ended up in prison.

Today, he sees it as a blessing, because he encountered the Lord. “I sincerely believe that had I not gotten arrested, my life would have been miserable. I would have died alone.” After being released, he was placed in a program that helped him finally break free of his addiction for good. He thanks God for a second chance. Feeling led here, William joined our team as a clinical supervisor! He helped the incoming men with detox, guided them through addiction recovery and ensured they were mentally strong. William was raised in the Muslim religion but says it actually led him to Jesus! “My spirituality was just elevated by the grace of God through the Holy Spirit, because I always had something dear for Jesus in me.” After his long journey, William says, “I’m just thankful to be alive, and to be able to use what God has given me to share in this community.” He is thrilled by his transformation thanks to God’s love in his life – and your support! “It’s amazing to come from being a person who was spiritually bankrupt to having some coins of joy and happiness in my life.”


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