Make a Gift
Your Support Transforms the Lives of Many in Our Community!
Thank you for choosing to help homeless and hurting people. Rescue Mission of Utica relies on the generosity of friends, neighbors, businesses, churches, foundations, service clubs, schools and civic organizations. All gifts to the Rescue Mission of Utica are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Mail In Donations
If you prefer to give offline, print out a form which you can then fill out and mail with your most generous gift.
Ways To Give
Ways to Give
Tribute Gifts
A memorial or honor gift to the Rescue Mission is not only a meaningful way to pay tribute to a loved one, but it will also help care for needy individuals seeking the Rescue Mission for help and hope.
When a memorial gift is received, a personalized card is sent to the family of the deceased telling them their loved one has been memorialized in this special way. If your gift is in honor of someone, we will send him/her a card to let them know of your thoughtfulness.
To make a tribute gift, please print out our Tribute Giving Form and mail it to the address listed on the form.
Please Note: This online form should only be used to give a one-time gift or initiate a new recurring gift. Do not use this form to update or cancel an existing recurring gift. To make changes to an existing recurring gift, contact us directly at 315.735.1645 ext. 2104.
Ways to Give
Monthly Miracle Partners
Monthly Miracle Partners are a group of caring friends who give monthly, bringing a steady source of hope and help to suffering people in our community. These partners ensure that the Rescue Mission has a regular, dependable supply of income all year. Each time a Monthly Miracle Partner sends in their regular gift, miracles happen!
A nutritious meal can be the first step toward new life for those who are homeless or struggling. But true recovery goes beyond that. Hours of counseling. Learning self-respect and responsibility. Working through a drug recovery program. Acquiring job skills. And most importantly, learning about God’s love and forgiveness.
As a Monthly Miracle Partner, you will no longer receive our regular fundraising letters. Instead, we will send you simple reminders letting you know how your gifts are helping.
Ways to Give
Planned Giving / Legacy Gifts
By partnering with the Rescue Mission during your lifetime, you help ensure that our services and recovery programs meet the needs of countless individuals. Now, you can extend your support beyond your lifetime through a legacy gift.
Here are some of the simplest ways you can give:
Through Your Will
You can make a bequest of a dollar amount, specific property, a percentage of your estate or the remainder of your estate after taking care of your loved ones.
Life Insurance
Making the Mission a beneficiary of part or all of a life insurance policy is a simple way to make a significant gift! You may receive a tax deduction for the cash surrender value reducing your income tax liability in the year of the gift.
Retirement Account
You may realize significant estate tax savings when you designate the Rescue Mission as a beneficiary. This is a tax-efficient way to make a gift because of the income tax savings and charitable deduction allowed your estate.
Stock, Bonds or Mutual Funds
Appreciated stock, held more than one year, makes an excellent charitable gift. You could avoid capital gains taxes and receive a tax deduction for the value of the gift up to 30% of your contribution base. Bonds and mutual funds are similar to appreciated stock in their tax treatment. State, municipal and U.S. government bonds are welcomed.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Donors can select the rate of return from these income arrangements and also choose a fixed or fluctuating annual payment. Capital gains taxes can be avoided and you receive a tax deduction based on the age of the income recipient and the rate of return.
Have You Already Remembered The Rescue Mission of Utica with a Legacy Gift?
Please let us know so we can say thank you!
Get Involved
Other Ways To Help
If you’d like to serve in ways other than donating or volunteering, one or more of these options — including prayer — might be just right for you.
- Food Drive
- Undie Monday
- Prayer Requests
Organize a Food Drive
Rescue Mission of Utica distributes food boxes to families in need. Each box contains the ingredients for 18 meals, no matter the size of the family. We also provide counseling, advocacy and referrals to help with other critical needs. We encourage families to utilize the food box program, because it is important to keep the family together at home — and not have parents bring their children to the Mission for meals.
We feel that if we can provide the food, along with counseling and referrals, we can keep people living in a safe, healthy environment, thus eliminating homelessness. Tony, a single dad with four kids, says the food boxes are “a blessing from God during hard times. I don’t know how I would provide for my kids if it wasn’t for the program.”
The demand for our food boxes has tripled in the last few years. Please help by organizing a food box drive with your church, business, school or other group.
Where to DOnate
Food can be brought to the Food Service Center located at 201 Rutger Street in Utica between the hours of 5:30am-5:30pm daily.
Organize an Underwear & Sock Drive
Underwear and socks are a necessity of everyday life, yet we never seem to have enough. The Rescue Mission has an urgent need for underwear and socks!
Churches can sponsor an UNDIE SUNDAY.
Corporations, Civic Organizations, Businesses & Schools can sponsor an UNDIE MONDAY.
New, packaged items Needed
- Men’s Briefs
- T-Shirts
- Socks
- Women’s Undies
- Women’s T-Shirts
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Praise & Prayer Requests
We are firm believers in the power of prayer. God is blessing the ministry of the Rescue Mission because of His faithful servants’ commitment to prayer.
- Pray for the many families in our community who need food baskets.
- Pray that caring individuals, businesses and church groups will conduct food drives to meet the increased need for food and meals.
- Pray for our residents, that their hearts would be open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Pray that God will continue to grant wisdom to the Rescue Mission leadership for daily decisions that are important to the welfare of our clients.
- Come and see what God has done, how awesome are His works in man’s behalf.” (Psalm 66:5)
- Praise God for the lives being changed for eternity through our spiritual life programs.
- Praise God for the Rescue Mission employees who give sacrificially to minister to the hurting people God sends to us.
- Praise God for the many volunteers who faithfully give of their time and talents.
God bless you.