Our Programs
Representative-Payee Program
The Representative-Payee Program was initiated in 1989 to meet the community’s need for reliable financial management and to assist in keeping people from homelessness due to difficulty with budgeting their money.
Serving over 600 individuals, the Representative-Payee Program provides bill paying and adult protective case management services to people in the community who are unable to manage their own financial affairs. Staff assists clients in developing a budget for payment of rent, utilities, cable and telephone expenses. A personal needs check is issued for groceries, household needs and other bills. Clients are primarily referred from area case management service providers, Social Services, Veterans Administration and Rescue Mission programs. The program is also ready to assist people seeking assistance on their own. The staff collaborate with other community services to ensure they are living in a safe, clean and comfortable environment.

Program Details
Services Provided Include:
The Rescue Mission provides fiduciary and Rep Payee services to over 50 Veterans. All Veterans are approved for our services by the Veteran Administration. Most referrals are due to exploitation.
Adult Protective
Rep-Payee services are provided to clients through the Oneida County Department of Social Services Adult Protective agency on a contractual basis.
The Representative-Payee Program provides money management services to anyone needing assistance. Although more people are recipients of government benefits, we also assist clients with managing their wages, pensions or lump sum estates. We work with individuals who are struggling with their finances and assist them in utilizing the Rescue Mission services.
Some facts about the program:
- Assist 538 men and women with financial management.
- Several clients have purchased homes and cars.
- Clients have had large debts resolved.
- Clients are experiencing a healthier way of life.
Contact Us
For more information you can download the Representative-Payee brochure or contact: